Fun Activities to Do with Your Aging Loved One

Looking for fun activities to do with your aging loved one? Don’t over-think it. What is important to remember is engaging with your loved one, having fun, and being active. This can be as simple as a board game, as daring as taking dance classes, or as creative as oil painting. Whatever the activity is – the value of spending time together is worth it.

Use the suggested activities below to get your creative juices flowing and enjoy:

Outdoor Activities

  • Have a family picnic
  • Go fishing in a local lake, pond, or ocean
  • Visit a local farmer’s market
  • Garden together
  • Go for a leisurely hike
  • Take up photography
  • Go bird watching
  • Play Golf
  • Venture out for a leisurely walk
  • Plan a daytrip out of town

Indoor Activities

  • Play cards or other games
  • Do a scavenger hunt
  • Try a new restaurant
  • Join a group interested in a hobby like knitting, hiking, painting, or wood carving
  • Take a cooking class
  • Form or join a book club
  • Go to the theater, a movie, or a sporting event
  • Sign up for Netflix or Hulu and watch TV shows and movies

Community Activities

  • Visit with others that need support
  • Serve meals at a local homeless shelter
  • Compile care packages for soldiers stationed overseas
  • Volunteer to care for local animals in need
  • Volunteer at your local school or library
  • Help with gardening in the community

Remember, what is most important is that you find something to do together that you both enjoy. The activities above can help your aging loved one to stay active and engaged. As we enter into spring, start planning these fun-filled activities!
