Veteran Health Benefit Qualifications Explained for Caregivers

There are numerous health benefits available to veterans through the Department of Veteran’s Affairs (VA). However, what can be confusing or difficult to assess is what benefits apply to you or a veteran you care for, in particular. To help you navigate this important topic we used the VA Health Benefits Explorer to provide a few different veteran profiles to see what health benefits they qualify for.

The explorer asks specific questions about military career, discharge details, disability and other pertinent information in order to assess what potential benefits are available. Use the explorer to gain a better understanding of available health benefits and then use this explorer for yourself or for your loved one.

Standard Veteran Health Benefits

The benefits chart below lays out the core health benefits that the veteran may be eligible for consistently across the following profiles:

  • Those having served in the active military service, separated under any condition other than dishonorable.
  • Current and former members of the Reserves or National Guard who were called to active duty by a federal order and completed the full period for which they were called or ordered to active duty.

Health Benefit (Follow Links For More Information)


Medical Benefits Package
  • Preventive Care
  • Primary Care
  • Specialty Care
  • Mental Health
  • Home Health Care
  • Geriatrics and Extended Care
  • Medical Equipment/Prosthetic Items and Aids
Dental Benefits Yes, benefits may be provided under certain conditions.
Nursing Home Placement Yes, however, some restrictions may apply.
Eyeglasses Yes, diagnostic and preventive eye care services will be provided. Eyeglasses may be provided under certain conditions.
Hearing Aids Yes, diagnostic and preventive audiology services will be provided. Hearing Aids may be provided under certain conditions.
Home Improvement and Structural Alteration Grants Yes, home improvement benefits up to $2000 may be provided.


More benefits may become available depending on additional information (for example: if the veteran entered military service before 9/7/1980, has 10% or higher disability rating-and/or was discharged based on disability) including:


Health Benefit (Follow Links For More Information) Coverage
Medically Related Travel Benefits Yes
Automobile Adaptive/Access Equipment Yes, benefits may be provided under certain conditions.
Clothing Allowance Benefit Yes, benefits may be provided under certain conditions.
Emergency Care at a non-VA Facility Yes, benefits may be provided under certain conditions.
Foreign Medical Care Yes, for Service-connected disabilities or any disability associated with or aggravating a service-connected disability.


Other benefits exist for veterans and you will want to research all available options to ensure high-quality care, as well as reduce healthcare costs as much as possible. Each person will have specific conditions, medical history, military history, and other important details that will determine exactly what benefits they are eligible for.

Once you understand what benefits you or your loved one are eligible for, and what co-pays may be associated with those benefits, enroll with the VA either by phone, mail, in-person or online.

